
After listening again through the interview with Stacey Pack, I realized key things one must have to have a clear/interesting interview. One I feel needs to be the type of questions asked, because certain answers to questions can lead to other follow up questions and responses the person will give. Listening to the interview with Stacey Pack, as I mentioned before, I felt her responses were very calculated . She gave the "safe" answers to us, as opposed to divulging more into her responses. I also feel it's who you ask, some people will give their honest truth, as opposed to others, who may have to watch what they specifically say. My contributions to the project thus far, have been the set up for the interview process we as a group are going to undertake. This past weekend I conducted test runs of interviews with random people on campus or other places. I didn't't realize how hard it was going to be, most people I approached didn't want to talk with me, because I was unsure how to give them the understanding of consent to record them. Then when I actually had people talk with me, remembering to think about the sound, background noises was another obstacle as well. Finally, worrying about the length at which the conversation was going to need to be and what questions I asked was also an obstacle as well. To realize that besides the fact that when I conduct on street interviews verses scheduled interviews, I at least will have a certain questions to ask, but to have "back up " questions. This will be helpful because if the question stumps the person, I have another way to ask the question but differently. This exercise was a great tool to learn from for the future interviews I will be conducting.


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