Going out in the Lexington Market this past Monday was a
huge eye opener. Being the only student from the class doing the interviews was
nerve racking in itself. Even having prior experience with interviewing, this
experience was the scariest one to say the least, because it was on the spot
interviews. Having the fellows in the class (Adam and Christina) there, helped
ease me into this process. The idea for this day was to set up interviews or
talk with the well-known vendors in Lexington Market. What it became was people
walking up to us asking what we were doing, which then lead to spur of the
moment interviews, with guests and vendors. The fellows explained to me this is
how it usually happens most of the time; along with security trying to escort
you out as well. The second interview I started was with the help of Adam
pointing out that if people are taking photos, signals to others that they are
first timers. So, I approached the woman, giving a brief description of what
our class was about and getting her consent to let me record her. Adam gave me
great advice after this interview, saying strike up a conversation with them, which
then will help to lead to the certain questions you want to ask. Don’t be
ridged in only asking certain questions, which will then cut the interview short
and become very uncomfortable. After getting my feet wet, I feel more at ease
walking up to people for interviews. The next steps moving forward, is this
weekend asking questions to people visiting the Market and try to set up one on
one interviews with vendors. Then seeing how we will utilize the zine in our
interview process as well.
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