Next Steps......

After my second go around with interviews, my confidence level rose greatly. I thought about what Adam and Christina said, have a conversation, people will reject an interview, and that it is ok. The second go around I went with Christina, another fellow in the class, she was great at connecting the interview barrier I may have had with people I was interviewing. She is a native to Baltimore and has been to the Lexington Market, so she was able to connect or reword questions that I may have asked. Listening back to my interviews, as well as my fellow classmates, I noticed common answers being given. Like safety, limited knowledge of changes, flow of business, drug use, interior/ exterior appearance. One of my favorite responses was from Larry, the owner of Konstant’s, where he said, “they need to put lipstick on the pig”, basically remodel it, rather than rebuild because the developers are still unsure of the change. Next steps, would map out who we would like one on one interviews with, and setting up those interviews. Also, get more on the street interviews, but targeted to a specific group that hasn't had their voice heard. Also, how we would like to set up the podcast to be played at the event and what we would like people attending to take away from coming. 


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